Ep 005 | Hearing from God Part 2 | Dreams Pictures and Visions

Welcome to Episode 5 of The Dream Launcher Podcast, where we explore the fascinating realm of hearing from God through dreams, pictures, and visions.

In the Bible, we find the story of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2, who had a dream that deeply troubled him. He demanded his wise men not only interpret the dream but also tell him what the dream was. This story highlights the immense importance placed on understanding these divine messages.

Throughout the Bible, individuals, often referred to as Seers, received divine messages through visions and dreams.

Interpreting these messages is key. They may not always be immediately clear, but they invite us to seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit and delve into biblical stories to understand their purpose.


Prefer to watch on this episode? Check it out here 



Welcome to the Dream Launcher Podcast: Business Tips for Christian Women

I’m Stephanie Ferrara, business coach to amazing women who are ready start their business or take their business to the next level!

I help women conquer fear and doubt, clearly define their brand, and cast vision for the future! All wrapped in with specific tips and strategies to grow your email list, start your business the right way, and sell your service based products! Freedom in Christ is what I’m all about and that includes inviting Him into my business for clarity and direction.


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