Ep 009 | Healthy Social Media Habits for Small Business Owners

In this episode, Stephanie dives into the ever-evolving world of social media and offers three invaluable tips to help you maintain your social health. 


Tip #1: Limit Who You Follow

- Guard against the comparison trap and remember that social media often showcases people's highlight reels, not their everyday reality.

- Unfollow those who make you feel inadequate or trigger comparison, and remember that not everything you see on social media is a true reflection of someone's success or life.


Tip #2: Keep Your Peace

- Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity and arguments. As much as possible, live peacefully with all, and don't get caught up in futile disputes.

- Encourage respectful and constructive discussions when differing opinions arise, and resist the temptation to engage in pointless arguments.

- Maintain your peace, and don't let social media become a platform for unnecessary discord and negativity.


Tip #3: Protect Yourself from Addiction or Obsession

- Stephanie highlights the addictive aspects of social media, including instant gratification, endless scrolling, fear of missing out (FOMO), variable rewards, and push notifications.

- She recommends turning off notifications and setting boundaries to establish a healthier relationship with social media.

- Being aware of these addictive elements is crucial to maintaining a balanced digital life.


Stephanie also introduces a bonus tip: "Use It and Leave It," with guidelines to ensure productive and purposeful social media usage, particularly when using it to boost your business without compromising your well-being.


Prefer to watch on this episode? Check it out here 


Welcome to the Dream Launcher Podcast: Business Tips for Christian Women

I’m Stephanie Ferrara, business coach to amazing women who are ready start their business or take their business to the next level!

I help women conquer fear and doubt, clearly define their brand, and cast vision for the future! All wrapped in with specific tips and strategies to grow your email list, start your business the right way, and sell your service based products! Freedom in Christ is what I’m all about and that includes inviting Him into my business for clarity and direction.


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