Ep 015 | Healings Deliverance and Supernatural Encounters

In this episode of The Dream Launcher Podcast, Stephanie shares her experiences at two conferences: the Forerunner Conference in San Antonio, TX and the Real Change Conference in Little Rock, AR.   

She highlights the importance of surrendering to God's plan and believing in one's identity in Christ. Stephanie emphasizes the need to be undignified in worship and to change the mindset from victim to freedom. She discusses the significance of obedience and taking action in fulfilling God's purpose.

Stephanie also shares the miracles and deliverance she witnessed at the conferences and expresses her passion for helping others find freedom in Christ.

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TSNL Global 

The Supernatural Life Ministry 


Welcome to the Dream Launcher Podcast: Business Tips for Christian Women

I’m Stephanie Ferrara, business coach to amazing women who are ready start their business or take their business to the next level!

I help women conquer fear and doubt, clearly define their brand, and cast vision for the future! All wrapped in with specific tips and strategies to grow your email list, start your business the right way, and sell your service based products! Freedom in Christ is what I’m all about and that includes inviting Him into my business for clarity and direction.


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